Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend Events

John thought it would be a good idea to explain a couple of the song selections on the blog. When looking for songs I thought it would be fun for the kids if they were involved so I picked ones that they like & can actually sing the words to.

Life Is A Highway – From the movie Cars.
Move Along – From the movie Firehouse Dog.
Jackson – Because they listen to the Johnny Cash CD when they ride in the truck with Dad. It is soooooo funny listening to them sing!
Had A Bad Day – This is one Dallin likes & he sings only the chorus……over & over & over.
Home – Is another song Dad rubbed off onto the kids.
Better Together & Upside Down – Because I like them.

Ok, so now we have that out of the way on to our Friday night “drama”. I had put Davis & Dallin the tub & had just finished washing hair. I told them they had just a few more minutes to play & then they were getting out. First I should say that these two ask to get in the tub every single day, sometimes in the middle of the afternoon! So tub time is a huge hit at this house & they do not like getting out. Anyway, I was gathering pajamas when I hear them start screaming. So I run in there & apparently Dallin wouldn’t share the cup (I had forgotten to take out after washing hair) so Davis proceeded to dump the shampoo over his head. Now were not talking a little dribble, Dallin looked like he was wearing a semi-transparent helmet. Davis was quickly removed from the tub & I started the process of removing the shampoo……… took forever! Each time I thought I had it all I would rub his head & it would foam up again. At least I know Dallin’s hair is really clean?

Yesterday John & I traveled down to Salt Lake to meet Shaun & Candi for dinner. We all had our hearts set on eating at the new Cheesecake Factory that just opened at the Fashion Place Mall. After waiting in line for 15 minutes just to get our names on the waiting list, then to find the wait was another hour and a half we decided to find somewhere else. We ended up at the Texas Roadhouse. The wait there was an hour, but to curb our hunger Shaun shoplifted a basket of rolls for us to eat & they were very good! We had a great time & the food was just as good as the company……….WOW, that was something John would have said! It was fun to hang out with the Martin’s & both couples decided we need to do it again & not wait 10 years for the next time.

Tomorrow starts another week of adventures at this house. So far the only things on the calendar are, dentist, piano & school for Griff. Pre-school for Davis & Dallin. Work, work & more work for mom & dad.


The Garners said...

Klair Bear,

My My My. I was SO surprised to see your comment! And so happy too. I don't know if not changing in 30 years is good or bad. But either way it's basically true. Your kids are so cute. And your twins have the same hair-do I had growing up. It's SO meant for boys! Much more becoming! Glad things are going well, and I'm excited to check in every now and then. Blogging is like crack. And I'm totally addicted.

Take care...Lara

PS You smell like the Duffins Dad!

MaRea Hess said...

Sounds like you had fun here in our neck of the woods. Love the pics of the boys! Nasty!!