Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank You Easter Bunny, Bawk, Bawk

Lets see last weeks interesting events consisted of a visit to the dentist for Griff, which brought him a small war wound. After coming home from the dentist I told him that he should lay down in his room & watch a movie while the "medicine" wore off. Well, he couldn't feel his bottom lip or the biting & pinching he was doing to it. He emerged from his room with a lip 4 times bigger than usual with blood all over his lip, chin & shirt. Being the meanest mom in the world I made him go to school the next day with it looking like hamburger, but at least it was smaller than it had been the day before. Of course he was upset & worried about kids making fun of him so his dad told him to say that it got hurt while they were wrestling.......he did! I tried to get him to let me take a picture, but he wasn't going for that at all, so you will just have to take my word on how bad it really was.

On Monday, for Family Night, we had a lesson on prayer. Everybody took a turn telling something that they would thank Heavenly Father for in their prayers. After all the "usual" comments, Dallin said that he was thankful for people's heads..............yep, he is a keeper.

Mason, Lindy, Klair, Dad, Riley at the top of the Dream Lift. Photo courtesy of Uncle Tab.

The Easter weekend brought my family all to Cache Valley. Saturday morning my parents arrived with Riley & Baby Jack. Dad, Riley & I then left the kids with grandma & John to head up to the The Beav for some skiing with Mason & Lindy. It was a great day with perfect weather & wonderful snow! I realized that I'm out of sync with skiing, because I actually couldn't bring myself to ski down a run that wasn't groomed. Back in the day that is not something I would do, I guess I'm getting old or becoming a wimp. Mom brought the four kids up at lunch time so we could all have a picnic together. It was very thoughtful. It is amazing how fast you discover what terrible shape you are in just by flying down a mountain of snow! Dad, Riley & I all did a good share of whining about being tired, but it was so much fun we would probably be up there again this weekend if we could. One thing is for sure.......we still have the great "form & technique" that our dad taught us! Thanks Dad.

Saturday evening brought, Easter Egg coloring & some Guitar Hero on the Wii. I'm not ashamed to say that I am obsessed with playing a video game, but I am just joining ranks with the other "addicts" in this family. For some reason John can't figure out why we like it so much, must be because he isn't any good, Hmmmmm?

On Sunday morning the Easter Bunny was running late, alright he forgot, so luckily some elves (we'll call them grandma & grandpa) helped him out by hiding the eggs while we were at church. Thanks for saving us mom & dad. We had a great lunch after church & everyone came, but we did miss Jaxon-Man & Dan. It is always fun to have everyone around & just as fun to clean up after they all leave.....NOT! It just makes me realize all that my mom did for us growing up & I'd like to take this opportunity to tell her thanks for great holiday's & Sunday dinners. It sucks to be responsible, but bless the person who invented the dishwasher!

Jack loved looking at our "pop-up" books. Isn't he just the cutest? He is loved & mauled by all of us the entire time we are with him. I love you Jack!


The Garners said...

Family get-togethers are totally the best. And I'm with 'ya on the cleaning up! Who made us responsible for that all of a sudden?? I'm aware that Babs does a lot of cleaning and prep for a party. And I'm all about her continuing on that path!

You have family home evening? Well, well. Let's just translate you right away!

Pretty sure your senior pics on your other blog are the exact same ones I have. And your crispy, permy locks are the cutest. (I can't say the same about that flowery garden of eden dress you have on!) What did we wear that kind of crap for? But, I did take satisfaction in seeing Emily Elliis in one too. If she has a funny dress...well, there's hope for all of us! tee hee

Love ya!

Tris said...

I'm still jealous! It sounds like you had tons of fun. I do have one question. What kind of Easter Bunny are you? Who forgets Easter? Good things the folks bailed you out.

The Garners said...

So, yes, it's true that the dress was cool at the time. And I must also admit that you were QUITE a bit cooler than me anyway. It's been a journey...but I'll finally admit that I was a major dork in High School!

If pegged pants come back...I will have to counsel others against their negative effects.

It would be great to do a vocab. word. In fact, I've thought about it. But as to this point have neglected to add it. That column is going to become impossible to maintain!

And can put my blog on yours, but turn around is fair play. And you never know what yours might be named. But I have been thinking of something like "I love this girl more than my luggage." (in a thick southern accent, of course!)

Lindsey Smith said...

I love you too aunt clair and i miss you! What great pics, i need to get them from you. I can't you all had so much fun without me, not fair.